What type of gardener are you?

What type of gardener are you?

What type of gardener are you? And what does this say about you?

For me, I do like weeding, which is a good job as I did loads of it last weekend. I like weeding because you can see instant results, taking a messy area and making it look amazing. It also appeals to my love of detail....more than happy to sit in the garden pulling up weeds one by one to make sure I get them properly!

Other than weeding, I do mostly like to just look at it and enjoy the results! Not so sure what this says though!

Maybe you are the type of gardener who gets stuck in…..jumping in with two feet, not worried about the consequences. Or do you plan, plan, plan but never get round to it? How about being disorganised and haphazard?

Or are you the manager who likes to delegate and pay someone else to do it for them?

If so and if you want a detail orientated HR professional who loves delivering results, then get in touch to see how I can deliver your HR wish list.

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