Lessons from adversity
What an unprecedented situation we find ourselves in with the global Covid 19 pandemic! So, what have we or can we learn from the situation so far?
Well, I can certainly say that I have learnt what is truly essential and what is important to me, what I can do without and what I will miss.
Amongst other things I have learnt that, with a little creative thinking, I can get by without my car. Also that my husband, dog, family and close friends are really important in my life and that connecting socially doesn’t have to mean being face to face with people (although I still prefer to be there in person).
More widely, I think we are all learning what is truly essential work for our world. Maybe we should take some time to rebalance how these roles are paid in future? Maybe we should think about the value we place on different roles, some of which are obviously not as essential as we thought?
I have seen some fantastic examples of community spirit and creativity in action. For example, the sheer volume of people volunteering across the country. Then there are the businesses changing their product to support the NHS in delivering treatment. Or, on a lighter note, our local pub has moved their weekly quiz night to online as have some larger organisations with theatre shows, teaching support, wellbeing and so on. And, of course, the amazing memes, songs, gifs, and images being created which keep us amused!
Then we are learning what it takes to be truly flexible and adaptable. Those businesses who have changed what they offer or produce to continue having an income. Or, the teams and companies who have moved to working remotely but continue to succeed and deliver objectives. And the managers who were previously reluctant to let employees work flexibly now see their fears allayed and who will continue to embrace
this way of working in the future.
Finally, a side effect of the widespread lock downs is positive impact we have had on the environment. From wildlife returning to clear canals in Venice (https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2020/mar/20/nature-is-taking-back-venice-wildlife-returns-to-tourist-free-city) to a dramatic fall in pollution levels in London (https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-52114306), our lack of travel has had a much wider impact on our planet…something we really need to remember when the virus pandemic is over.